3575 rank

42,625,156 points

33,179 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Livia 1758 the Red    Four Kings
Fel Dranghyr 3575 Livia 1758 the Red Four Kings 42,625,156 33,179
Livia 1758 the Red    Bridge 4. Kaladin
Dilmun 740 Livia 1758 the Red Bridge 4. Kaladin 36,108,632 31,978
Livia 1758 the Red    Quiet Honor
Xyr 4087 Livia 1758 the Red Quiet Honor 25,228,438 36,703
Livia 1758 the Red    Pirates of Rugnir
Rugnir 4367 Livia 1758 the Red Pirates of Rugnir 21,328,351 28,166