4900 rank

21,369,488 points

4,715 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Castor 1347 the Warrior    greatDane
East-Nagach 4798 Castor 1347 the Warrior greatDane 26,294,708 5,768
Castor 1347 the Warrior    Great Dane
Mount Killmore 4833 Castor 1347 the Warrior Great Dane 25,300,978 4,565
Castor 1347 the Warrior    GreatDane
Dilmun 1229 Castor 1347 the Warrior GreatDane 23,840,934 4,426
Castor 1347 the Warrior    Greatdane
Jaims 4537 Castor 1347 the Warrior Greatdane 23,505,898 4,199
Castor 1347 the Warrior    Gorams
Fel Dranghyr 4900 Castor 1347 the Warrior Gorams 21,369,488 4,715
Castor 1347 the Warrior    GreatDane
Rugnir 4511 Castor 1347 the Warrior GreatDane 21,208,374 4,312
Castor 1347 the Warrior    GreatDane
Sinerania 4484 Castor 1347 the Warrior GreatDane 20,744,141 4,296
Castor 1347 the Warrior    DaneGreat
Xyr 4749 Castor 1347 the Warrior DaneGreat 19,354,909 3,752
Castor 1347 the Warrior    GreatDane
Tuulech 4617 Castor 1347 the Warrior GreatDane 19,105,875 3,831
Castor 1347 the Warrior    GoDodgers
Walstrand 4443 Castor 1347 the Warrior GoDodgers 18,617,557 4,054