19166 rank

33,367 points

78 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Titus 1244 the Strong   
Walstrand 16788 Titus 1244 the Strong 37,623 93
Titus 1244 the Strong   
Mount Killmore 21083 Titus 1244 the Strong 37,185 109
Titus 1244 the Strong   
Dunarsund 20303 Titus 1244 the Strong 36,162 128
Titus 1244 the Strong   
Qunrir 17473 Titus 1244 the Strong 34,428 139
Titus 1244 the Strong    IABA
Fel Dranghyr 19166 Titus 1244 the Strong IABA 33,367 78