19475 rank

28,256 points

115 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
GulLuin    Mages of the Ages
Dilmun 6555 GulLuin Mages of the Ages 99,051 269
GulLuin    Mages of the Ages
Brisgard 19128 GulLuin Mages of the Ages 91,773 260
GulLuin    Mages of the Ages
Dunarsund 17922 GulLuin Mages of the Ages 86,416 182
GulLuin    Luin Istari
Yorkton 15982 GulLuin Luin Istari 83,219 279
GulLuin    Mages of the Ages
Mount Killmore 18854 GulLuin Mages of the Ages 77,101 251
GulLuin    Mages of the Ages
Zorskog 15318 GulLuin Mages of the Ages 75,777 277
GulLuin    MAges of the Ages
Noarsil 15918 GulLuin MAges of the Ages 63,913 234
GulLuin    Mages of the Ages
Cirgard 18526 GulLuin Mages of the Ages 62,379 224
GulLuin    Mages iof the Ages
Fel Dranghyr 19475 GulLuin Mages iof the Ages 28,256 115
GulLuin    Mages of the Ages
Tuulech 17470 GulLuin Mages of the Ages 26,448 98