16219 rank

93,546 points

13 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
drewtheman    The Witch's Cauldron
Arvahall 16557 drewtheman The Witch's Cauldron 403,921 298
drewtheman    The Witch's Cauldron
Brisgard 18535 drewtheman The Witch's Cauldron 109,156 25
drewtheman    The Witch's Cauldron
Fel Dranghyr 16219 drewtheman The Witch's Cauldron 93,546 13
drewtheman    The Witch's Cauldron
Dunarsund 17769 drewtheman The Witch's Cauldron 84,044 36
East-Nagach 17081 drewtheman 79,817 40
Cirgard 17967 drewtheman 70,034 46
drewtheman    The Witch's Cauldron
Greifental 18095 drewtheman The Witch's Cauldron 34,715 15