11150 rank

883,544 points

3,664 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
havinfun1995    prospects of growth
Arvahall 6233 havinfun1995 prospects of growth 18,862,490 20,247
havinfun1995    My Guild
Fel Dranghyr 11150 havinfun1995 My Guild 883,544 3,664
havinfun1995    The Royal ♠♣♥♦ Flush
Cirgard 19657 havinfun1995 The Royal ♠♣♥♦ Flush 42,518 129
havinfun1995    Redneck Yacht Club
Dunarsund 19985 havinfun1995 Redneck Yacht Club 40,736 288
Brisgard 22289 havinfun1995 30,131 801