6967 rank

7,653,678 points

1,618 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
modestluke    Dungeon Crawler Carl
Fel Dranghyr 6967 modestluke Dungeon Crawler Carl 7,653,678 1,618
modestluke    Oort's Rangers
Odhrorvar 7018 modestluke Oort's Rangers 5,246,556 4,371
modestluke    Taking a Break
Parkog 7895 modestluke Taking a Break 2,820,759 767
modestluke    Knights of Christ
Houndsmoor 9348 modestluke Knights of Christ 2,806,591 449
modestluke    Kinda Sorta
Qunrir 11317 modestluke Kinda Sorta 499,995 249