15928 rank

108,469 points

132 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
txba    Clan of the Wolf
Arvahall 5520 txba Clan of the Wolf 28,177,294 6,546
txba    Wolfe Pack
Brisgard 15826 txba Wolfe Pack 306,698 225
txba    Allied Raiders Union
Cirgard 15371 txba Allied Raiders Union 213,566 192
Dunarsund 16021 txba 179,444 178
txba    Kings of Old
East-Nagach 15958 txba Kings of Old 132,451 163
txba    Vikings
Fel Dranghyr 15928 txba Vikings 108,469 132
txba    Peacekeepers 🥉
Korch 16182 txba Peacekeepers 🥉 79,201 113
txba    Saints of Killmore
Mount Killmore 19703 txba Saints of Killmore 54,809 82
Noarsil 16476 txba 46,419 100