4381 rank

26,572,211 points

4,722 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
jone2013    Crushingit
Arvahall 4188 jone2013 Crushingit 47,386,912 9,453
jone2013    collective jr.
Brisgard 4274 jone2013 collective jr. 35,981,303 7,145
jone2013    Enchanted Starlight
Cirgard 3928 jone2013 Enchanted Starlight 35,336,871 5,939
jone2013    Glorious Bastards
East-Nagach 4242 jone2013 Glorious Bastards 32,257,469 3,970
jone2013    Great Odins Ravens
Noarsil 3896 jone2013 Great Odins Ravens 31,138,891 4,965
jone2013    Old Knights Home
Tuulech 3737 jone2013 Old Knights Home 30,001,798 4,771
jone2013    The Outsiders
Langendorn 3967 jone2013 The Outsiders 29,644,662 4,811
jone2013    rOgUe hOt cHiHuAhUaS
Houndsmoor 4412 jone2013 rOgUe hOt cHiHuAhUaS 28,370,325 4,702
jone2013    Slippin' Jimmy
Fel Dranghyr 4381 jone2013 Slippin' Jimmy 26,572,211 4,722
jone2013    Fishing R Us
Odhrorvar 4084 jone2013 Fishing R Us 25,965,922 3,989
jone2013    pirates cove
Dunarsund 4765 jone2013 pirates cove 25,421,488 3,944
jone2013    Kingdom of Gondor
Korch 4430 jone2013 Kingdom of Gondor 24,209,721 3,618
jone2013    First responders
Qunrir 4645 jone2013 First responders 19,895,061 3,753
jone2013    "Baptized in Power"
Zorskog 6397 jone2013 "Baptized in Power" 5,324,944 2,708