6044 rank

10,395,317 points

3,319 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
qqq3qqq3    Tercio Ceuta
Fel Dranghyr 634 qqq3qqq3 Tercio Ceuta 417,018,049 67,004
qqq3qqq3    Pixel Killers
Dunarsund 6325 qqq3qqq3 Pixel Killers 10,987,902 3,341
qqq3qqq3    Tall Renegade
Cirgard 6085 qqq3qqq3 Tall Renegade 10,751,388 3,871
qqq3qqq3    qqq3
Greifental 6044 qqq3qqq3 qqq3 10,395,317 3,319
qqq3qqq3    Chaos
Houndsmoor 6500 qqq3qqq3 Chaos 9,757,497 4,836
qqq3qqq3    Palatinae
Arvahall 7930 qqq3qqq3 Palatinae 8,749,540 5,551
qqq3qqq3    SilverSwords of Troy
East-Nagach 7111 qqq3qqq3 SilverSwords of Troy 7,233,349 2,963
qqq3qqq3    regal ruby
Jaims 7194 qqq3qqq3 regal ruby 5,327,542 2,885
qqq3qqq3    Team Winchester
Langendorn 8158 qqq3qqq3 Team Winchester 2,829,298 1,486
qqq3qqq3    Badfish
Brisgard 10424 qqq3qqq3 Badfish 2,142,078 1,139
qqq3qqq3    The Red Plague
Tuulech 8629 qqq3qqq3 The Red Plague 1,690,528 759
qqq3qqq3    Guardians
Sinerania 9108 qqq3qqq3 Guardians 1,430,255 760
qqq3qqq3    East India Trade Co.
Vingrid 9697 qqq3qqq3 East India Trade Co. 1,216,403 1,158
qqq3qqq3    Scorpion 6
Uceria 10013 qqq3qqq3 Scorpion 6 1,096,988 693
qqq3qqq3    Blood Hawks
Korch 10628 qqq3qqq3 Blood Hawks 957,350 807
qqq3qqq3    The Autonomites
Odhrorvar 10122 qqq3qqq3 The Autonomites 904,954 766
qqq3qqq3    Runs with scissors
Angkor 18305 qqq3qqq3 Runs with scissors 27,836 51