7782 rank

4,627,143 points

3,181 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Sophocles 756 the White    Guilded Lilies
Houndsmoor 6491 Sophocles 756 the White Guilded Lilies 10,661,811 3,374
Sophocles 756 the White   
Parkog 6112 Sophocles 756 the White 8,100,556 3,301
Sophocles 756 the White    Guilded Lilies
Arvahall 8828 Sophocles 756 the White Guilded Lilies 6,884,012 3,440
Sophocles 756 the White    Guild the Lily
Mount Killmore 8137 Sophocles 756 the White Guild the Lily 5,351,955 2,604
Sophocles 756 the White    Knights that say Ni
Greifental 7782 Sophocles 756 the White Knights that say Ni 4,627,143 3,181