6105 rank

10,111,397 points

2,386 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Twitt    Galaxy Guardians
Arvahall 4671 Twitt Galaxy Guardians 32,585,362 5,604
Twitt    Galaxy Guardians
Cirgard 4324 Twitt Galaxy Guardians 25,178,518 3,604
Twitt    United Red Dragons 3
Fel Dranghyr 4389 Twitt United Red Dragons 3 22,895,546 3,111
Dunarsund 5180 Twitt 18,065,781 4,613
Twitt    Herd of cats
East-Nagach 5786 Twitt Herd of cats 13,202,882 3,101
Twitt    Viking Kingdom
Greifental 6105 Twitt Viking Kingdom 10,111,397 2,386
Twitt    Viking Kingdom
Houndsmoor 6533 Twitt Viking Kingdom 9,584,727 2,038