7107 rank

7,108,130 points

1,390 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
tbharris    RED DRAGONS!
Houndsmoor 7264 tbharris RED DRAGONS! 8,102,557 1,488
tbharris    DFW, TEXAS
Fel Dranghyr 6986 tbharris DFW, TEXAS 7,689,268 1,477
tbharris    Odin's Revenge
Arvahall 8818 tbharris Odin's Revenge 7,656,232 1,530
tbharris    dowhatyouwant
East-Nagach 7347 tbharris dowhatyouwant 7,641,980 1,470
tbharris    DOM REP
Dunarsund 7569 tbharris DOM REP 7,607,164 1,448
tbharris    To the future
Brisgard 8121 tbharris To the future 7,297,818 1,462
tbharris    Slow Ride
Parkog 6424 tbharris Slow Ride 7,250,406 1,573
tbharris    Legion of Reckoning
Greifental 7107 tbharris Legion of Reckoning 7,108,130 1,390
Cirgard 7462 tbharris BROADSWORD KINGDOM 6,853,388 1,419
tbharris    Birth Right
Jaims 7126 tbharris Birth Right 6,323,598 1,357
tbharris    spartan army
Langendorn 6995 tbharris spartan army 6,250,092 1,401
tbharris    7th Cavalry
Mount Killmore 7964 tbharris 7th Cavalry 6,208,621 1,448
tbharris    IgnoranceIsStrength
Odhrorvar 6842 tbharris IgnoranceIsStrength 5,931,772 1,357
tbharris    League Of Leaders
Korch 7218 tbharris League Of Leaders 5,878,452 1,440
tbharris    Galician division
Noarsil 7000 tbharris Galician division 5,598,098 1,313