2543 rank

88,531,768 points

5,511 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Henri IV the Great    Knightsfall Castle
Greifental 2543 Henri IV the Great Knightsfall Castle 88,531,768 5,511
Henri IV the Great   
Brisgard 8496 Henri IV the Great 6,080,059 1,112
Henri IV the Great   
Jaims 8606 Henri IV the Great 2,665,437 763
Henri IV the Great    apathy party
Noarsil 12063 Henri IV the Great apathy party 354,064 193
Henri IV the Great   
Rugnir 12517 Henri IV the Great 298,000 158
Henri IV the Great   
Arvahall 17629 Henri IV the Great 289,693 219