1103 rank

280,891,689 points

65,120 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Khisanth Noir    Out of the Office
Greifental 1103 Khisanth Noir Out of the Office 280,891,689 65,120
Khisanth Noir    🌚Petrichor🌚
Jaims 8968 Khisanth Noir 🌚Petrichor🌚 2,167,113 3,973
Khisanth Noir    🌚La Luna Noir🌚
Arvahall 20566 Khisanth Noir 🌚La Luna Noir🌚 110,771 528
Khisanth Noir    Anafreychuk
Xyr 17001 Khisanth Noir Anafreychuk 96,113 523