6552 rank

8,942,999 points

4,844 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Thekla 1218 the Fearless    Super Nice Folk
Sinerania 2722 Thekla 1218 the Fearless Super Nice Folk 60,429,500 23,035
Thekla 1218 the Fearless   
Greifental 6552 Thekla 1218 the Fearless 8,942,999 4,844
Thekla 1218 the Fearless    Quests and Diamonds
Odhrorvar 6135 Thekla 1218 the Fearless Quests and Diamonds 8,465,064 7,664
Thekla 1218 the Fearless   
Parkog 12705 Thekla 1218 the Fearless 251,296 52