9930 rank

1,432,091 points

1,651 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Rhea 1047 the Glorious   
Brisgard 11260 Rhea 1047 the Glorious 1,689,767 1,627
Rhea 1047 the Glorious    bud smokers only
Angkor 8396 Rhea 1047 the Glorious bud smokers only 1,638,115 1,622
Rhea 1047 the Glorious   
Korch 9540 Rhea 1047 the Glorious 1,587,745 1,611
Rhea 1047 the Glorious    After Hours
Xyr 9974 Rhea 1047 the Glorious After Hours 1,567,429 1,711
Rhea 1047 the Glorious    devils rejects
Arvahall 12769 Rhea 1047 the Glorious devils rejects 1,471,708 1,310
Rhea 1047 the Glorious    Carpe Diem
Greifental 9930 Rhea 1047 the Glorious Carpe Diem 1,432,091 1,651
Rhea 1047 the Glorious    deer slayers
Rugnir 9403 Rhea 1047 the Glorious deer slayers 1,343,337 1,411
Rhea 1047 the Glorious    NoRules
Yorkton 9358 Rhea 1047 the Glorious NoRules 1,315,773 1,379