13310 rank

304,081 points

637 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Uceria 2453 Stoop 76,361,030 27,515
Stoop    DiamondFarm
Zorskog 4108 Stoop DiamondFarm 18,129,425 11,222
Stoop    Snow vengeance
Tuulech 7006 Stoop Snow vengeance 4,731,235 9,011
Stoop    diamondfarm
Houndsmoor 10157 Stoop diamondfarm 1,808,306 4,939
Stoop    SPACEBALLS The Guild
Dilmun 5037 Stoop SPACEBALLS The Guild 321,759 580
Stoop    Crossguards
Greifental 13310 Stoop Crossguards 304,081 637