13050 rank

380,774 points

812 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Sophocles 1544 the Fair    The Saints Of Niro
Parkog 7669 Sophocles 1544 the Fair The Saints Of Niro 3,124,560 1,835
Sophocles 1544 the Fair    N0NE
Walstrand 8028 Sophocles 1544 the Fair N0NE 2,104,390 1,708
Sophocles 1544 the Fair    Gremlins
Qunrir 8623 Sophocles 1544 the Fair Gremlins 2,044,994 1,719
Sophocles 1544 the Fair    Silence Supreme
Xyr 10932 Sophocles 1544 the Fair Silence Supreme 1,068,659 1,375
Sophocles 1544 the Fair    Dagon
Arvahall 13808 Sophocles 1544 the Fair Dagon 980,946 1,489
Sophocles 1544 the Fair   
Greifental 13050 Sophocles 1544 the Fair 380,774 812
Sophocles 1544 the Fair   
East-Nagach 21119 Sophocles 1544 the Fair 24,618 56