11645 rank

644,625 points

2,618 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Travelchris    The Lone Wolfes
East-Nagach 11499 Travelchris The Lone Wolfes 904,925 3,129
Travelchris    🐔🐔🐔🐔🐤🐤🐤🥔🥔🥔
Korch 11085 Travelchris 🐔🐔🐔🐔🐤🐤🐤🥔🥔🥔 750,600 2,162
Travelchris    Diamond Farms ONLY!!
Brisgard 13455 Travelchris Diamond Farms ONLY!! 713,718 3,100
Travelchris    Titanium
Greifental 11645 Travelchris Titanium 644,625 2,618
Travelchris    Middle Earth
Rugnir 11323 Travelchris Middle Earth 535,276 1,594
Travelchris    Dragons Nest
Mount Killmore 13797 Travelchris Dragons Nest 479,112 1,289
Travelchris    Stormin' the Castle
Walstrand 11486 Travelchris Stormin' the Castle 388,545 1,549
Travelchris    Dogheart
Parkog 11929 Travelchris Dogheart 358,451 1,304
Travelchris    Hell on Earth
Yorkton 12550 Travelchris Hell on Earth 336,041 1,588
Travelchris    Matriarch Alliance
Zorskog 12086 Travelchris Matriarch Alliance 315,194 1,184
Travelchris    New Scotland
Jaims 14286 Travelchris New Scotland 197,148 1,129
Travelchris    The Nights Watch *
Angkor 15620 Travelchris The Nights Watch * 63,833 258