8424 rank

3,365,022 points

3,157 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Xantac the merciful    Meh…
Angkor 366 Xantac the merciful Meh… 632,149,287 171,399
Xantac the merciful    Valhalla
Birka 732 Xantac the merciful Valhalla 174,318,023 115,845
Xantac the merciful   
Carthage 662 Xantac the merciful 84,894,230 100,192
Xantac the merciful   
Fel Dranghyr 3932 Xantac the merciful 37,021,569 36,784
Xantac the merciful    Xan’s Farm
Brisgard 8610 Xantac the merciful Xan’s Farm 5,762,374 5,916
Xantac the merciful    Xan’s Farm
Greifental 8424 Xantac the merciful Xan’s Farm 3,365,022 3,157
Xantac the merciful    Xan’s Farm
Zorskog 7468 Xantac the merciful Xan’s Farm 3,002,544 2,418
Xantac the merciful    Done
Arvahall 12011 Xantac the merciful Done 1,975,868 5,125