7403 rank

6,060,172 points

5,592 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
stevie the hippie   
Jaims 3936 stevie the hippie 33,907,698 9,142
stevie the hippie   
Greifental 7403 stevie the hippie 6,060,172 5,592
stevie the hippie   
East-Nagach 9813 stevie the hippie 2,050,852 3,370
stevie the hippie   
Brisgard 12916 stevie the hippie 922,117 1,877
stevie the hippie   
Dunarsund 13079 stevie the hippie 583,142 1,774
stevie the hippie    Empire Dragons
Cirgard 12916 stevie the hippie Empire Dragons 561,246 1,757