10197 rank

1,234,890 points

315 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Argas 4 the Glorious    for people who play
Greifental 10197 Argas 4 the Glorious for people who play 1,234,890 315
Argas 4 the Glorious    Sunset
Cirgard 14621 Argas 4 the Glorious Sunset 279,746 337
Argas 4 the Glorious    Etherious
Vingrid 18287 Argas 4 the Glorious Etherious 24,859 96
Argas 4 the Glorious    Kim💦
Sinerania 17969 Argas 4 the Glorious Kim💦 22,512 81