1829 rank

146,266,321 points

21,082 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Irene 1277 the Prophet    Legaçy
Sinerania 984 Irene 1277 the Prophet Legaçy 313,370,463 51,253
Irene 1277 the Prophet    Legâcy
Yorkton 1323 Irene 1277 the Prophet Legâcy 173,364,878 22,184
Irene 1277 the Prophet    Legàcy
Cirgard 1752 Irene 1277 the Prophet Legàcy 164,332,710 22,463
Irene 1277 the Prophet    Lègacy
Korch 1688 Irene 1277 the Prophet Lègacy 162,735,622 21,226
Irene 1277 the Prophet    Legaçy
Xyr 1438 Irene 1277 the Prophet Legaçy 155,151,345 21,428
Irene 1277 the Prophet    Legácy
Fel Dranghyr 1818 Irene 1277 the Prophet Legácy 154,884,397 21,514
Irene 1277 the Prophet    Légacy
Qunrir 1697 Irene 1277 the Prophet Légacy 152,224,778 21,344
Irene 1277 the Prophet    Lêgacy
Jaims 1719 Irene 1277 the Prophet Lêgacy 149,880,676 20,988
Irene 1277 the Prophet    Legacy
Greifental 1829 Irene 1277 the Prophet Legacy 146,266,321 21,082
Irene 1277 the Prophet    Legâcy
Noarsil 1913 Irene 1277 the Prophet Legâcy 127,533,478 18,040
Irene 1277 the Prophet    Legacý
Tuulech 1836 Irene 1277 the Prophet Legacý 122,855,265 18,016
Irene 1277 the Prophet    Legãcy
Arvahall 2696 Irene 1277 the Prophet Legãcy 112,314,399 13,075
Irene 1277 the Prophet    Legâcy
Angkor 1575 Irene 1277 the Prophet Legâcy 106,261,598 13,016
Irene 1277 the Prophet    Legacy
Dilmun 642 Irene 1277 the Prophet Legacy 60,275,690 8,248
Irene 1277 the Prophet    Lêgacy
Houndsmoor 3520 Irene 1277 the Prophet Lêgacy 50,645,075 7,767
Irene 1277 the Prophet    Lega¢y
Brisgard 3796 Irene 1277 the Prophet Lega¢y 50,081,801 7,554
Irene 1277 the Prophet    Legacy
Carthage 1345 Irene 1277 the Prophet Legacy 33,446,968 6,090
Irene 1277 the Prophet    Legâçy
Vingrid 3893 Irene 1277 the Prophet Legâçy 31,189,294 5,596
Irene 1277 the Prophet    Lêgaçy
Uceria 3976 Irene 1277 the Prophet Lêgaçy 30,515,671 5,419
Irene 1277 the Prophet    Lêgâçy
Zorskog 3369 Irene 1277 the Prophet Lêgâçy 30,355,509 5,552
Irene 1277 the Prophet    Lêgãçy
Birka 2249 Irene 1277 the Prophet Lêgãçy 29,964,401 5,681
Irene 1277 the Prophet    Legaçy
Rugnir 3957 Irene 1277 the Prophet Legaçy 29,777,258 5,463
Irene 1277 the Prophet    Legãçy
Walstrand 3707 Irene 1277 the Prophet Legãçy 29,522,567 5,526
Irene 1277 the Prophet    Lêgãcy
Odhrorvar 4028 Irene 1277 the Prophet Lêgãcy 29,275,588 5,511
Irene 1277 the Prophet    Legãcy
Mount Killmore 4593 Irene 1277 the Prophet Legãcy 28,880,626 5,472
Irene 1277 the Prophet    Lêgãcy
Parkog 3984 Irene 1277 the Prophet Lêgãcy 28,746,539 5,534
Irene 1277 the Prophet    Lêgacy
East-Nagach 4620 Irene 1277 the Prophet Lêgacy 28,697,058 5,212
Irene 1277 the Prophet    Legâcy
Langendorn 4183 Irene 1277 the Prophet Legâcy 28,105,122 5,251
Irene 1277 the Prophet    Legacy
Dunarsund 4812 Irene 1277 the Prophet Legacy 26,856,800 5,139