16288 rank

73,295 points

167 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Lady Jasmine the Pure   
Angkor 6624 Lady Jasmine the Pure 4,672,910 3,219
Lady Jasmine the Pure    Clean Slate
Zorskog 6797 Lady Jasmine the Pure Clean Slate 4,550,849 2,342
Lady Jasmine the Pure   
Birka 4993 Lady Jasmine the Pure 4,292,844 2,653
Lady Jasmine the Pure    Kelsingra
Dunarsund 9152 Lady Jasmine the Pure Kelsingra 3,395,675 1,704
Lady Jasmine the Pure   
Xyr 8508 Lady Jasmine the Pure 3,278,149 1,939
Lady Jasmine the Pure   
Cirgard 9292 Lady Jasmine the Pure 2,814,362 1,746
Lady Jasmine the Pure    Jarhead Clan
Langendorn 9860 Lady Jasmine the Pure Jarhead Clan 1,163,542 1,373
Lady Jasmine the Pure    Nexus
Tuulech 11022 Lady Jasmine the Pure Nexus 504,652 598
Lady Jasmine the Pure   
Houndsmoor 14417 Lady Jasmine the Pure 312,269 348
Lady Jasmine the Pure   
Korch 13172 Lady Jasmine the Pure 304,873 346
Lady Jasmine the Pure   
Carthage 8640 Lady Jasmine the Pure 214,882 698
Lady Jasmine the Pure   
Greifental 16288 Lady Jasmine the Pure 73,295 167