12800 rank

376,988 points

503 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Rabidscar    Enjoythegame
Fel Dranghyr 8960 Rabidscar Enjoythegame 2,615,362 1,292
Rabidscar    Disneyville
Angkor 7690 Rabidscar Disneyville 2,505,567 1,457
Rabidscar    The New Age
Tuulech 8564 Rabidscar The New Age 1,823,735 1,186
Rabidscar    Traders & Raiders
Dunarsund 11081 Rabidscar Traders & Raiders 1,313,857 1,006
Rabidscar    Sea Peoples
Noarsil 11328 Rabidscar Sea Peoples 514,109 663
Rabidscar    Uncle Sam's Misguide
Greifental 12800 Rabidscar Uncle Sam's Misguide 376,988 503