5559 rank

15,157,968 points

16,634 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Elizabeth 3328 the Lion    The Knights Guild
Xyr 727 Elizabeth 3328 the Lion The Knights Guild 361,747,818 261,383
Elizabeth 3328 the Lion    The_Spartans
Sinerania 1073 Elizabeth 3328 the Lion The_Spartans 289,646,746 222,737
Elizabeth 3328 the Lion    🔥 Forged in Fire 🔥
Walstrand 2627 Elizabeth 3328 the Lion 🔥 Forged in Fire 🔥 63,971,209 121,071
Elizabeth 3328 the Lion   
Greifental 5559 Elizabeth 3328 the Lion 15,157,968 16,634