3120 rank

61,937,858 points

24,861 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Mills from the Gull    WareHouse 13
Mount Killmore 1818 Mills from the Gull WareHouse 13 158,209,543 34,347
Mills from the Gull    🌎Earth's Fury🌏
Zorskog 1801 Mills from the Gull 🌎Earth's Fury🌏 95,237,612 38,964
Mills from the Gull    Holy Spirit Filled
Greifental 3120 Mills from the Gull Holy Spirit Filled 61,937,858 24,861
Mills from the Gull    Dragon Force
Fel Dranghyr 3318 Mills from the Gull Dragon Force 56,583,195 22,061