2709 rank

79,226,544 points

18,785 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Ed the hearty    The B&L Crew
Rugnir 924 Ed the hearty The B&L Crew 322,795,793 63,542
Ed the hearty    Walking Dead 2016
Fel Dranghyr 2450 Ed the hearty Walking Dead 2016 98,098,887 32,821
Ed the hearty    Knights of Seven
Greifental 2709 Ed the hearty Knights of Seven 79,226,544 18,785
Ed the hearty   
Sinerania 2522 Ed the hearty 74,537,605 28,619
Ed the hearty    Get over it
Odhrorvar 3869 Ed the hearty Get over it 32,972,197 12,008
Ed the hearty    Corsair
Qunrir 4800 Ed the hearty Corsair 19,032,871 8,319
Ed the hearty   
Tuulech 4673 Ed the hearty 18,573,757 8,999
Ed the hearty    Just me too
Parkog 5912 Ed the hearty Just me too 9,568,102 6,070
Ed the hearty   
Dunarsund 7317 Ed the hearty 8,381,064 5,799