13333 rank

298,550 points

230 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Ariadne 237 the Prophet   
Noarsil 3507 Ariadne 237 the Prophet 43,018,805 16,246
Ariadne 237 the Prophet    TheNewGuild
Tuulech 9991 Ariadne 237 the Prophet TheNewGuild 835,814 967
Ariadne 237 the Prophet    Heartland
Jaims 11196 Ariadne 237 the Prophet Heartland 716,788 420
Ariadne 237 the Prophet    420 blazed
Rugnir 11454 Ariadne 237 the Prophet 420 blazed 491,245 245
Ariadne 237 the Prophet    ROYAL KNIGHTS
Walstrand 11734 Ariadne 237 the Prophet ROYAL KNIGHTS 324,705 200
Ariadne 237 the Prophet    fire@ice
Greifental 13333 Ariadne 237 the Prophet fire@ice 298,550 230