10454 rank

1,102,927 points

4,172 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
RADelaide    Sword Of The Spirit
Brisgard 1505 RADelaide Sword Of The Spirit 187,689,686 106,548
East-Nagach 1624 RADelaide 177,124,019 92,651
Fel Dranghyr 3918 RADelaide 35,171,998 23,320
RADelaide    póg mo thóin
Arvahall 4894 RADelaide póg mo thóin 34,277,168 19,939
RADelaide    United Front
Cirgard 4183 RADelaide United Front 31,008,905 21,021
RADelaide    Retirement
Houndsmoor 6864 RADelaide Retirement 9,051,585 22,288
Dunarsund 9868 RADelaide 2,263,987 3,903
RADelaide    póg mo thóin
Greifental 10454 RADelaide póg mo thóin 1,102,927 4,172