4301 rank

30,124,009 points

6,404 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
achilles6    ⚔ The Crusaders ⚔
Cirgard 3370 achilles6 ⚔ The Crusaders ⚔ 52,953,937 5,865
achilles6    Diamond Fishers
Jaims 3752 achilles6 Diamond Fishers 37,026,157 9,186
achilles6    Runs w/ Scissors ✂️
Sinerania 3573 achilles6 Runs w/ Scissors ✂️ 36,437,172 6,664
achilles6    Swords of Light
Greifental 4301 achilles6 Swords of Light 30,124,009 6,404
achilles6    THE QUEST
Odhrorvar 4603 achilles6 THE QUEST 20,874,341 5,224