133 rank

1,669,472,252 points

530,506 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Buddha the Jew    Slaystation
Greifental 133 Buddha the Jew Slaystation 1,669,472,252 530,506
Buddha the Jew    "BACK in BLACK"
Uceria 1573 Buddha the Jew "BACK in BLACK" 168,902,238 45,157
Buddha the Jew    Free Bird
Fel Dranghyr 2008 Buddha the Jew Free Bird 137,068,140 201,458
Buddha the Jew    Mercury & Mars
Jaims 2382 Buddha the Jew Mercury & Mars 91,555,497 100,921
Buddha the Jew    Roman Empire IV
Dunarsund 2704 Buddha the Jew Roman Empire IV 91,204,302 114,195
Buddha the Jew    The King's Realm
Cirgard 14595 Buddha the Jew The King's Realm 281,146 211