5490 rank

15,594,945 points

6,557 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Achaeus 1172 the Dire    New Phoenix
Houndsmoor 3089 Achaeus 1172 the Dire New Phoenix 65,834,216 14,156
Achaeus 1172 the Dire    High Country
Korch 3557 Achaeus 1172 the Dire High Country 44,993,834 10,586
Achaeus 1172 the Dire    Imaginary Friends™
Tuulech 3362 Achaeus 1172 the Dire Imaginary Friends™ 41,901,679 11,288
Achaeus 1172 the Dire   
Noarsil 3924 Achaeus 1172 the Dire 33,515,831 10,816
Achaeus 1172 the Dire   
Arvahall 6258 Achaeus 1172 the Dire 20,454,145 7,518
Achaeus 1172 the Dire    Yellowstone
Walstrand 4687 Achaeus 1172 the Dire Yellowstone 16,386,061 5,477
Achaeus 1172 the Dire    Breaking Bad
Angkor 4333 Achaeus 1172 the Dire Breaking Bad 15,942,988 5,604
Achaeus 1172 the Dire    No Pressure
Greifental 5490 Achaeus 1172 the Dire No Pressure 15,594,945 6,557
Achaeus 1172 the Dire    Blue Phoenix
Carthage 2057 Achaeus 1172 the Dire Blue Phoenix 15,557,684 6,204