8143 rank

3,951,925 points

190 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Mo-G    Intrepid
Vingrid 240 Mo-G Intrepid 1,190,536,506 545,563
Mo-G    Art οf War
Zorskog 1478 Mo-G Art οf War 121,897,017 249,363
Mo-G    The TreeHouse Club
Qunrir 2244 Mo-G The TreeHouse Club 101,136,098 132,887
Mo-G    Just 4 Fun
Angkor 4201 Mo-G Just 4 Fun 17,046,840 12,256
Mo-G    Black Hawks
Korch 5329 Mo-G Black Hawks 15,901,316 11,477
Mo-G    The King's Realm
Cirgard 5789 Mo-G The King's Realm 15,019,417 11,379
Mo-G    The 4 Horsemen
Brisgard 9354 Mo-G The 4 Horsemen 4,175,566 192
Mo-G    🕊️ SAFE HAVEN 🕊️
Fel Dranghyr 8092 Mo-G 🕊️ SAFE HAVEN 🕊️ 4,130,255 192
Mo-G    Mercury & Mars
Jaims 7942 Mo-G Mercury & Mars 4,086,337 193
East-Nagach 8568 Mo-G THE LIONS 4,050,698 192
Mo-G    Rogue Rangers
Langendorn 7721 Mo-G Rogue Rangers 4,037,822 190
Mo-G    Kings Asylum
Greifental 8143 Mo-G Kings Asylum 3,951,925 190
Mo-G    Phoenix Rising
Houndsmoor 8734 Mo-G Phoenix Rising 3,946,362 189
Mo-G    K.I.S.S.
Dunarsund 8890 Mo-G K.I.S.S. 3,862,744 191