6171 rank

10,609,752 points

2,407 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Greifental 6171 websia 10,609,752 2,407
websia    Ars Vitae
Dunarsund 6768 websia Ars Vitae 10,079,247 2,557
websia    The Farmers Market
Cirgard 6530 websia The Farmers Market 9,781,333 2,245
websia    Questor
Houndsmoor 6722 websia Questor 9,620,764 2,464
websia    Semper-Fi
East-Nagach 6830 websia Semper-Fi 9,139,919 2,440
websia    Just_active
Rugnir 5990 websia Just_active 8,924,817 2,079
websia    Waywards
Noarsil 6194 websia Waywards 8,577,388 2,459
websia    Untouched Warriors
Qunrir 6196 websia Untouched Warriors 8,537,190 2,249
websia    LaLa Land
Zorskog 5489 websia LaLa Land 8,517,614 2,074
Sinerania 6017 websia 8,333,621 2,086
websia    King of the North
Brisgard 7567 websia King of the North 8,279,056 2,119
Angkor 5414 websia 8,055,601 2,345
websia    lords of magic
Walstrand 5931 websia lords of magic 7,783,456 1,955
websia    Fire Forgers&Fighers
Vingrid 6457 websia Fire Forgers&Fighers 7,174,787 2,096