12929 rank

401,858 points

2,041 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Letonia    Merovingian
Noarsil 4814 Letonia Merovingian 16,733,433 12,585
Letonia    Word of the Wise
Dunarsund 5398 Letonia Word of the Wise 16,281,481 17,198
Letonia    BMF
East-Nagach 5506 Letonia BMF 15,250,523 14,012
Letonia    Real life adventures
Uceria 6063 Letonia Real life adventures 8,546,521 10,731
Letonia    Quantum Force
Qunrir 7147 Letonia Quantum Force 4,832,427 9,310
Letonia    The Beginners
Zorskog 7150 Letonia The Beginners 3,099,955 6,593
Letonia    Bravos
Yorkton 7663 Letonia Bravos 2,880,511 5,935
Letonia    CRO ARMY
Vingrid 7955 Letonia CRO ARMY 2,857,482 7,169
Letonia    💣🪖War Room🪖💣
Dilmun 2452 Letonia 💣🪖War Room🪖💣 2,561,498 6,405
Letonia    Farming Unicorns
Sinerania 8015 Letonia Farming Unicorns 2,512,197 5,980
Letonia    Spirit of Phoenix
Tuulech 7942 Letonia Spirit of Phoenix 2,469,342 6,495
Letonia    Kastaways
Walstrand 7802 Letonia Kastaways 2,377,133 6,241
Letonia    Helping Hands
Xyr 9263 Letonia Helping Hands 2,169,565 6,283
Letonia    Solomon Grundy
Carthage 4471 Letonia Solomon Grundy 1,151,790 2,832
Letonia    Ancestral Conclave
Arvahall 13314 Letonia Ancestral Conclave 1,144,788 2,754
Letonia    Stranger Things
Birka 6809 Letonia Stranger Things 984,181 2,842
Letonia    Warrior's Pride
Brisgard 14580 Letonia Warrior's Pride 492,362 2,443
Letonia    Metaphysic StarGate
Cirgard 13871 Letonia Metaphysic StarGate 418,245 2,506
Letonia    Artistes Respite
Greifental 12929 Letonia Artistes Respite 401,858 2,041