16556 rank

71,935 points

234 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Steelox8516    JuggernutX
Greifental 16556 Steelox8516 JuggernutX 71,935 234
Steelox8516    The " 1 "
Fel Dranghyr 18995 Steelox8516 The " 1 " 34,321 83
Steelox8516    Supreme Here & Aft
Korch 18553 Steelox8516 Supreme Here & Aft 33,774 122
Steelox8516    the FORGOTTEN ONES
Brisgard 23056 Steelox8516 the FORGOTTEN ONES 22,318 103
Steelox8516    DregNaught X
Rugnir 18627 Steelox8516 DregNaught X 21,925 63