8019 rank

4,282,543 points

1,146 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Harvey the Wallbanger    Knights who say "Ni"
Korch 6590 Harvey the Wallbanger Knights who say "Ni" 8,000,783 1,718
Harvey the Wallbanger    Just Relax!
Sinerania 6847 Harvey the Wallbanger Just Relax! 5,433,275 1,085
Harvey the Wallbanger   
Brisgard 9288 Harvey the Wallbanger 4,324,975 1,267
Harvey the Wallbanger    Time Pirates
Greifental 8019 Harvey the Wallbanger Time Pirates 4,282,543 1,146
Harvey the Wallbanger   
Birka 5036 Harvey the Wallbanger 4,029,989 1,294
Harvey the Wallbanger    MeMyselfIrene
Tuulech 7873 Harvey the Wallbanger MeMyselfIrene 2,770,199 1,093
Harvey the Wallbanger    Casual Kingdom
Carthage 6459 Harvey the Wallbanger Casual Kingdom 571,355 427