3785 rank

38,581,091 points

5,970 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Vesta 1749 the Prophet    Diamond Guild
Parkog 3139 Vesta 1749 the Prophet Diamond Guild 44,980,861 6,545
Vesta 1749 the Prophet    Diamond Farmers
Qunrir 3511 Vesta 1749 the Prophet Diamond Farmers 39,655,273 6,018
Vesta 1749 the Prophet    Diamond farmers
Greifental 3785 Vesta 1749 the Prophet Diamond farmers 38,581,091 5,970
Vesta 1749 the Prophet    Dragons of Pern
Carthage 1092 Vesta 1749 the Prophet Dragons of Pern 37,498,027 6,040