17978 rank

50,701 points

117 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Aeschylus 2650 the Proud   
Arvahall 22754 Aeschylus 2650 the Proud 64,798 198
Aeschylus 2650 the Proud    Crossguards
Greifental 17978 Aeschylus 2650 the Proud Crossguards 50,701 117
Aeschylus 2650 the Proud   
Langendorn 17547 Aeschylus 2650 the Proud 48,206 85
Aeschylus 2650 the Proud    No Mandatory
Fel Dranghyr 18994 Aeschylus 2650 the Proud No Mandatory 44,981 48
Aeschylus 2650 the Proud   
Dunarsund 21819 Aeschylus 2650 the Proud 25,561 94