17489 rank

49,298 points

179 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
the jerk    Army of One
Langendorn 12715 the jerk Army of One 306,776 1,043
the jerk    Our servah binlaggin
Mount Killmore 18869 the jerk Our servah binlaggin 78,163 259
the jerk    tarshis
Arvahall 22556 the jerk tarshis 60,786 257
the jerk    Orphan devil
Brisgard 20347 the jerk Orphan devil 59,062 175
the jerk    The Spasticals
Greifental 17489 the jerk The Spasticals 49,298 179
the jerk    Armonia
Jaims 18477 the jerk Armonia 33,030 75
the jerk    This is the Way
Odhrorvar 17321 the jerk This is the Way 31,797 116
the jerk    Blue Sail Privateers
Carthage 13394 the jerk Blue Sail Privateers 20,057 110