5577 rank

14,238,964 points

5,922 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Christine the empowerer    FREE TRADE
Greifental 5577 Christine the empowerer FREE TRADE 14,238,964 5,922
Christine the empowerer   
Qunrir 6093 Christine the empowerer 9,034,798 2,367
Christine the empowerer   
Arvahall 9057 Christine the empowerer 6,392,885 1,317
Christine the empowerer   
Mount Killmore 15336 Christine the empowerer 278,911 175
Christine the empowerer   
Noarsil 13001 Christine the empowerer 246,728 162
Christine the empowerer   
Sinerania 13196 Christine the empowerer 216,453 153