4149 rank

34,135,376 points

13,904 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Couch Potatoe    House of Noir
Uceria 1863 Couch Potatoe House of Noir 132,238,619 22,988
Couch Potatoe    RELAXED
Jaims 2208 Couch Potatoe RELAXED 106,869,882 19,738
Couch Potatoe    Lonely mountain
Fel Dranghyr 2695 Couch Potatoe Lonely mountain 84,613,177 18,764
Couch Potatoe    Croatoan
Greifental 4149 Couch Potatoe Croatoan 34,135,376 13,904
Couch Potatoe    Diamond Seekers
Dunarsund 6726 Couch Potatoe Diamond Seekers 11,064,468 6,774