7337 rank

5,841,351 points

1,778 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
super642    Peace & Balance
Cirgard 6665 super642 Peace & Balance 9,142,865 1,351
super642    the hood
Qunrir 6752 super642 the hood 6,327,489 2,119
super642    Mask of Red Death
Greifental 7337 super642 Mask of Red Death 5,841,351 1,778
super642    Black Stars
Mount Killmore 8552 super642 Black Stars 4,422,985 2,450
super642    7 Samurai
Odhrorvar 7533 super642 7 Samurai 3,711,038 1,311
super642    IHateGuilds
Carthage 9675 super642 IHateGuilds 94,192 186