13487 rank

283,846 points

197 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Boogly the Wise   
Xyr 6102 Boogly the Wise 9,940,315 2,013
Boogly the Wise   
Walstrand 5564 Boogly the Wise 9,781,761 2,115
Boogly the Wise   
Vingrid 6020 Boogly the Wise 9,109,696 2,406
Boogly the Wise   
Houndsmoor 10345 Boogly the Wise 1,649,403 2,516
Boogly the Wise   
Rugnir 9413 Boogly the Wise 1,316,624 2,022
Boogly the Wise   
Arvahall 13580 Boogly the Wise 1,099,872 1,062
Boogly the Wise   
Yorkton 9950 Boogly the Wise 985,091 1,193
Boogly the Wise   
Brisgard 12960 Boogly the Wise 866,553 865
Boogly the Wise   
Uceria 10745 Boogly the Wise 715,686 1,019
Boogly the Wise   
Zorskog 10303 Boogly the Wise 677,989 984
Boogly the Wise   
Cirgard 12985 Boogly the Wise 533,306 431
Boogly the Wise   
Greifental 13487 Boogly the Wise 283,846 197
Boogly the Wise   
Langendorn 15324 Boogly the Wise 91,626 151
Boogly the Wise   
Tuulech 15611 Boogly the Wise 58,872 37