Rank Name
1 NewBang
1 NewBang
2 Epicurious the Valiant
2 Epicurious the Valiant
3 Townsaver
3 Townsaver
4 Ranger59
4 Ranger59
5 virtualarrow
5 virtualarrow
6 Jp005
6 Jp005
7 Hatshepsut 2834 the Dire
7 Hatshepsut 2834 the Dire
8 Hatshepsut 8745 the Just
8 Hatshepsut 8745 the Just
9 Eng the Courageous
9 Eng the Courageous
10 jeremyd4
10 jeremyd4
11 Isabella 3240 the Great
11 Isabella 3240 the Great
12 papa2046lisa
12 papa2046lisa
13 Mandana 1997 the Wicked
13 Mandana 1997 the Wicked
14 Iconaclasta
14 Iconaclasta
15 Double R3fl3t
15 Double R3fl3t
16 Cooldisk
16 Cooldisk
17 Pokefanbill
17 Pokefanbill
18 Livia 1811 the Builder
18 Livia 1811 the Builder
19 dogoboo
19 dogoboo
20 Galerius 2065 the Lucky
20 Galerius 2065 the Lucky
21 JoeForge2
21 JoeForge2
22 billsplace12
22 billsplace12
23 Freddy the Foo
23 Freddy the Foo
24 Avis cuth
24 Avis cuth
25 Lysander 2007 the Strong
25 Lysander 2007 the Strong
26 gruffian maximus
26 gruffian maximus
27 Corithica
27 Corithica
28 dog face
28 dog face
29 Sabina 2100 the Bold
29 Sabina 2100 the Bold
30 Aponyisus
30 Aponyisus
31 Zoe 1832 the Lion
31 Zoe 1832 the Lion
32 childeater1
32 childeater1
33 G8grandpa
33 G8grandpa
34 mongomasters
34 mongomasters
35 Gareth the Great One
35 Gareth the Great One
36 KunCR
36 KunCR
37 Antiope 2301 the Valiant
37 Antiope 2301 the Valiant
38 junggil
38 junggil
39 gjthornton
39 gjthornton
40 Alcmene 2424 the Sly
40 Alcmene 2424 the Sly
41 MenLen22
41 MenLen22
42 Asgarv Anka
42 Asgarv Anka
43 Jacknife013
43 Jacknife013
44 un4f
44 un4f
45 Marcus2014
45 Marcus2014
46 Belszy
46 Belszy
47 wgm007
47 wgm007
48 Sawmiller55
48 Sawmiller55
49 popstar600
49 popstar600
50 Galerius 2153 the Noble
50 Galerius 2153 the Noble
51 7thunder
51 7thunder
52 Sir Vancelot08
52 Sir Vancelot08

activity index

- Inactive player.
- Only produced resources - farmer.
- At least one battle - fighter.

The activity index is calculated as the total number of all days for each player in the guild.