Rank Name
2 kaliek
2 kaliek
3 DukeRandal
3 DukeRandal
4 Ben Zene
4 Ben Zene
5 JHK the Bold
5 JHK the Bold
6 Hello Worldd
6 Hello Worldd
7 Traviswalk
7 Traviswalk
8 Orgetorix 921 the Spider
8 Orgetorix 921 the Spider
9 NobleMichael61
9 NobleMichael61
10 MacDatta
10 MacDatta
11 Baron Von Grauerschinken
11 Baron Von Grauerschinken
12 DeeWillikers
12 DeeWillikers
13 76PeterTheGreat76
13 76PeterTheGreat76
14 Sotiris the Lion
14 Sotiris the Lion
15 RitzCracker
15 RitzCracker
16 unique
16 unique
17 Veselk0
17 Veselk0
18 JTstonge
18 JTstonge
19 Arthur 1419 the Impaler
19 Arthur 1419 the Impaler
20 Elektra 2515 the Wise
20 Elektra 2515 the Wise
21 Philip 1396 the Vengeful
21 Philip 1396 the Vengeful
22 Alaric62
22 Alaric62
23 bella Bethel1
23 bella Bethel1
24 Jamesasaurus
24 Jamesasaurus
25 xSpookyAngieX
25 xSpookyAngieX
26 Lord Elfen
26 Lord Elfen
27 Iphigenia 4740 the Wise
27 Iphigenia 4740 the Wise
28 NomDePlay
28 NomDePlay
29 Kursk te Cimmerian
29 Kursk te Cimmerian
30 tsquared1969
30 tsquared1969
31 LongAnkles
31 LongAnkles
32 ESCape247
32 ESCape247
34 Kraig2
34 Kraig2
35 skaterdad666
35 skaterdad666
36 Cordelia 3248 the Black
36 Cordelia 3248 the Black
37 Prisca 2101 the Blessed
37 Prisca 2101 the Blessed
38 Maia 1546 the Bloody
38 Maia 1546 the Bloody
39 IntuitiveEyes
39 IntuitiveEyes
40 Antoninus 2964 the Hard
40 Antoninus 2964 the Hard
41 Lagate Socrates
41 Lagate Socrates
42 Coop IV
42 Coop IV
43 Alexander 3005 the Just
43 Alexander 3005 the Just
44 bluerara
44 bluerara
45 Hay Mar Thu Zar
45 Hay Mar Thu Zar
46 HellsBelle
46 HellsBelle
47 sir mad dog
47 sir mad dog
48 BananaMonke
48 BananaMonke
49 Sparkils69
49 Sparkils69
50 billy T kidd 420
50 billy T kidd 420

activity index

- Inactive player.
- Only produced resources - farmer.
- At least one battle - fighter.

The activity index is calculated as the total number of all days for each player in the guild.