6333 rank

10,510,236 points

3,931 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Grafster53    Crimson Pirates
Brisgard 1416 Grafster53 Crimson Pirates 165,760,376 47,139
Grafster53    The Black Dragons II
East-Nagach 3953 Grafster53 The Black Dragons II 33,113,289 10,591
Grafster53    Island of Misfits
Mount Killmore 3941 Grafster53 Island of Misfits 32,642,874 20,455
Grafster53    Quiet and Peaceful
Fel Dranghyr 3928 Grafster53 Quiet and Peaceful 30,429,178 6,425
Grafster53    The Black Dragons II
Arvahall 4918 Grafster53 The Black Dragons II 28,610,467 8,306
Grafster53    The Black Dragons II
Dunarsund 4506 Grafster53 The Black Dragons II 25,600,736 10,676
Grafster53    The Black Dragons
Cirgard 4371 Grafster53 The Black Dragons 24,702,951 8,461
Grafster53    No Rules
Houndsmoor 6333 Grafster53 No Rules 10,510,236 3,931
Grafster53    Triton
Korch 6013 Grafster53 Triton 9,345,780 4,636
Grafster53    Dumbledore’s Army
Jaims 6528 Grafster53 Dumbledore’s Army 7,328,504 5,847