4684 rank

21,740,945 points

15,784 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Diarik the honorable    Band of Misfits
Sinerania 3626 Diarik the honorable Band of Misfits 29,090,643 16,284
Diarik the honorable    The Round Table
Cirgard 4624 Diarik the honorable The Round Table 21,956,377 16,094
Diarik the honorable    Houndsmoor Faire
Houndsmoor 4684 Diarik the honorable Houndsmoor Faire 21,740,945 15,784
Diarik the honorable    Monsters Inc.
Mount Killmore 6660 Diarik the honorable Monsters Inc. 9,314,689 7,066